Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Here's hoping the egg shells aren't too deep

Will leave to visit my mother tomorrow. We are prepared. In fact, J is prepping me about how much he'll be smiling and hugging. Frequently and unabashedly.

I hope it's not a million degrees like it is here. We're still buying lumber and that is such a process. I had no idea that perhaps the worse part of building is the getting of supplies. Perhaps it is a little because I am a non-shopper these days, but I know it's because of the process of sticking stuff on the cart, getting stuff in the car, out of the car, and into the back yard - too many transitions.

Oh, but the fence is beautiful. Ex will work on it while we're gone, perhaps with his step father who will be visiting. That would be my ex step FIL; he loves to build stuff - as rickety as possible. I hope ex watches him closely.


Anonymous said...

those roots are way too close to the house. I'm surprised they let it go this long.

Well-heeled mom said...

For me the worst part of building is paying for it. Things always cost more than you planned on!