To blog or not to blog. That is the question.
Although I celebrated and discussed NaMoBloMo during November, I quietly kept up daily writing for December, too. Now I see there's the opportunity for doing it as a group all next year as well. I am deciding if I'm up for it. Let me know if you are going to do it.
The "rules" are a little more lax than the November version. You can blog offline (handwritten even!!!) in an emergency and insert it where it should go when given the chance. I think that would work for during our cruise - there could be a daily photo gallery in retrospect.
I have come to realize that I like my blog a lot more when I post often; others seems to like it more, too, because I get additional readers and extra comments. Primarily, I want it as a personal record and frequent blogging is the only way for me to not broadly cast things in a blur. Blogging also helps me remember pertinent details, very important to my stickler personality. So, perhaps I've talked myself into it here?
Want to join me in the daily blather? Or misc pictures? Or YouTube treasures? Or inane memes?
Gods help me, I've been thinking about doing this too...but will I be overextending myself? Will anyone want to hear me babyblog or gardenblog (I ordered seeds yesterday)? I don't know...must ponder more.
I've been thinking about it, too, but I'm a little scared. Not because I don't already post most every day, but because if I do this, I CANNOT FAIL. I'm a nutter like that :)
Heh. I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that or not. :-/ Maybe I'll set myself a little goal to try and post 2 or 3 times a week all year?
I mean, I've been kinda doing that since the NaBloMowhateverthefuck thing, so I might be able to pull it off. Hmm...
Ugh. Such a commitment! LOL
I've had the same hesitation about being perfect about it, but I figure with the rules being more forgiving, I can tap dance pretty easily and back fill with YouTube or a cartoon if I want.
Oro, out of all of us, you are the crazy one - new baby on the way. I was not a person again for four months. I guess you could always back fill four months...
I've been tempted by it, too. I manage to post something most days anyways. Those little "meh" days this might be the push to get me over the hump.
The perfectionism thing is a concern...
Of course, my monkey is that it has to be a Post, not just a post.
Oh. Dear! We have a couple of more days to anguish about this right???
oh gee....I wish I could commit, but I just know I couldn't do it. 2 or 3 times a weeks seems good to me these days, though when I started out for several months I posted virtually everyday. I seem not to have so much to say anymore and frankly I'm a bit attached to quality which I know for me would be sorely lacking if I posted daily. Sometimes I want to post and all that comes out is blithering idiocy. Of course I do occasionally post that sort of stuff too. But I couldn't bring myself to do it daily---sometimes it's really pathetic.
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