This new one is my third passport. I got my first when I was 21 and going to Europe for a month on a (drunken) college trip. For my renewal in 1997, I was pregnant and going to visit ex when he was stationed in Germany. That one expired in March and my third is for our cruise during Spring Break.
I rarely talk about my travels here, but I would like to take the opportunity to share now. My favorite things to do here and abroad are to see architecture and visit art museums. I've been to most of the major art museums in Europe, something I am so proud to have prioritized in my youth. I also love to go to grand cathedrals and am a sucker for stained glass and carved stone, so castles work, too. Hence, Caribbean travel, well, it's just not what this city sightseer prefers, but of course I'll gladly do it. heh
For the record, all of this is personal travel, not business. Only four trips were due to military conjugal visits - 2 to Germany, 2 to Korea. I travel on the cheap, so none were extravagant. That's how I accomplish so much, I think. The trip to Scotland, England, and Wales in 1993, I did on my own with a backpack.
Here's my list of countries visited in order of destination:
Canada (many times)
England (2x)
France (2x)
Germany (both as West Germany and Plain Germany, 3x)
South Korea (2x)
North Korea
Mexico (2x)

Roatan Port
Grand Cayman
Stingray City - see the stingrays?
Costa Rica

Arenal (Exceedingly Hot) Volcanic Springs
I really want to go to Prague and Vienna (either one for Thanksgiving one year - I want to see the Klimt stuff in Vienna especially), plus some place in South America - I'm flexible. And Morocco, although it seems very dangerous.
What countries have you visited? What am I missing? What would you like to reminisce about? Where do you dream of going? What do you especially like to see when you travel?
I've never been outside the cont US and I feel like such a nerd. I have two sisters who travel overseas quite a bit, but each time they go I'm unable. I would love to go to Vienna as well, and Italy. I doubt I'll ever get to go b/c Mr. DD is not into traveling abroad.
Maybe I'll get to see my other sister in Jordon one of these years and at least be able to say I traveled outside of the US once.
Morocco doesn't feel dangerous in my experience. 2 holidays there and both were utterly fab. Highly recommended.
I've only been to Canada - and even then no further west than Montreal - Scotland of course, and England. Oh, I've touched down in Reykjavik and Schipol, but never made it out of the airports so they don't count.
I'd loooove to go to Morocco, Sicily, Italy, Northern France, Germany, Bulgaria, Finland, Siberia, and India. I've never had much of an interest in Central or South America (but just give me a ticket!), nor Micro or Polynesia, or Asia in general apart from The Silk Road route.
Alas, I don't think I'll be heading anywhere but Aberdeen for a very, very, very long time.
Gosh, I have never left the USA.
I sound pretty boring compared to you.
How about becoming a flight attendant? You could fly for free.
dd, I just don't think I'm interested in going to the Middle East, period. I'm a chicken. I didn't go to Greece, land of my ancestors, b/c of the awful reputation of the Athens airport. Wonder if it's gotten better?
Thalia, thanks for setting me straight on Morocco. What I was going by was from at least 15 years ago. Must be better now.
Oro, I forgot to mention how much I'd like to go to Scandanavia and more of Eastern Europe. I would absolutely love to go to the huge Celtic festival in Northern France. I only went to Paris - mixed reviews.
Melissa, my mother wanted to be a flight attendant so badly, but that was back when they had so many restrictions - she was too short and wore glasses. I guess I got my travel bug from her. She hasn't traveled much, but I did drag her to Korea and she has been around the Caribbean.
The Boy has a passport, naturally, and I think it's about to expire. Better check into that.
I envy your travels! I haven't traveled much internationally, but loved Guatemala and can't wait to go back. Mexico (Puerto Vallarta) was just okay. I did love Hawaii, mostly because it's always 81 degrees and it was the middle of winter in Montana when I went there!
I am taking my daughter to London for her 11th b-day next summer. I love traveling as well. I have been to:
Canada (BC and Nova Scotia)
New Zealand
British Virgin Islands
Jordan (yes, it's the Middle East, but I felt completely safe there. The Jordanians are very friendly, honestly.)
I want to go to:
Back to Amsterdam, with my daugther this time.
Libby! You've been holding out on me, too. You guys will have so much fun in London. I remember starting to speak with a British accent in my head, but it still came out Southern.
Great job on the South American and Pacific journeys. I was surprised that nobody else mentioned New Zealand or Australia.
J's passport should be here by Valentine's Day!
PS - I would love to go back to Amsterdam, too. I spent a month in Holland with Dutch Boyfriend #1 and he was a great tour guide. I want to see the Rijksmuseum again.
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