Thursday, November 15, 2007

Terrible scare

This morning when I got on the computer, I found that Symantec had done some sort of update overnight. As I prepared my post, it kept doing a countdown to reboot. I would cancel it over and over until I was finished posting. I figured I'd let it do its thing as I got J ready for school. When I returned, the computer had locked up while shutting down. I rebooted twice and still couldn't get the Internet connection to work. Giving up, I decided to call the cable company, but my phone was beeping as I was going through the canned options and I knew the battery would not last long enough. Instead, I showered and got ready to volunteer at school. When I checked the computer again before leaving, Symantec was doing its thing again, this time upzipping stuff. As I left for school, my hope was that the computer didn't die and Symantec fixed what it broke.

When I returned from school, I reloaded and behold the Internet worked again. I, however, am having a hard time forgiving Symantec and the panic they caused.

See, as you know, I must post daily this month. MUST. I knew I could go to the library to post, but I also knew that the library is closed on Thanksgiving and I would miss

So, NaBlo is my first concern with a computer malfunction. Committed or crazy? You decide.


DD said...

You need to set up some spare posts that can post automatically at the allotted time, especially helpful if you have to spend an inordinate amount of time with last-minute friends and family over the holidays.

Cricket said...

Blogger doesn't post automatically as far as I can tell.

h2o girl said...

I think you are a little of both, hee hee. But also gorgeous and talented.