I'll miss my hair, but I hope they'll be put to good use.
To get the length of donation needed (apparantly I measured wrong the other day), my hair is cut much shorter than I wanted. It was my choice - I could wait a month and let it grow or just let it grow on my head after cut. I chose the latter as I am a CUT MY HAIR RIGHT THIS INSTANT type when the mood strikes.

Deep breath. Give it time.
I'm going to shower it out and start over. Hopefully that won't make it shrink more.
Gosh, change is hard, even altrustic, necessary change.
Honestly, would you expect anything different from me?
as far as I'm concerned just tell it like it is. I wouldn't ask any differently of myself. You're brave for doing that, I hate having short hair......
The first pic of you reminds me of the blonde girl from that 80's Nu-Wave band, um...y'know, the Don't You Want Me Baby people, damned memory is shite...
I see what you mean about the non-flippy ends, but I do like the length and the sideways bang, I think it suits you more than you think it does.
The most difficult thing about a new haircut is figuring out how to style it yourself, esp when it's a huge change. I like it and I'm really glad your face is not orange like the models.
I like it! I think it looks nice! :-)
When I get that itch to cut all my hair off, the people at the haircut place always get nervous. It's never just a hack-it-to-my-shoulders type cut. Oh hells no! When I want short, I go all out. I've been toying with actually cutting my hair to be about Greg's length, but I'm nervous about doing it with the hair loss. If I DO go through with it, I'll have a frickin hillarious blog to write about Greg's reaction.
good cut!
the crazy part is when you shower and wash you hair the first time and use the "normal" amount of shampoo and it's too much.
it always takes me about a week to adjust to a new look (which explains my 2x a year cuts.
I agree with HB Living...it just takes time to get used to it...I think it's cute...
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