Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More blather

So last night, I slept poorly. It was hard to get to sleep and I awoke too early. In between was not restful.

Despite this, I could get up and get J off to school. I am much better at and probably more accustomed to being sleep deprived than drugged. I hope I can find the right size crumble to balance between the two.

I pick up my friend from the airport on Friday. We'll go to lunch, hang out a bit in an older part of the city, walk by the water, then get her checked in the hotel. I'll run home and get J off to his weekend at his step-mother's, then come back out for some nightlife. She realized that one of my favorite comedians is in town (EI - love him!), but it's sold out, so we're looking elsewhere. Man, what a great first date.

I hope nobody here will be put out if I reference time with her. I am not accustomed to tip toeing around relationships and fear the same thing when we're in public, that I won't be jaded enough to care about or really be aware of minor PDA. If anything, I think she'll be more aware. As crass and crazy as she can be, she is also very sensitive with a very big heart. I'll be thinking of a name for her for here. I hope this weekend goes well and that I don't flip too introverted or become too tired. The party Saturday night should rock and it'll be great to meet so many people I know online. Guess I'll be blogging a lot on Sunday!


Aunt Becky said...

I cannot wait to hear how things go! I'm sure they'll be great!

Nikki Neurotic said...

Have fun this weekend!

Monica Cassani said...

have fun! I will look forward to hearing how it goes...gotta get some vicarious living in since I rarely leave the house...


Anonymous said...

Have fun....

Ron Southern said...

I've been having trouble with my eyesight and thought at first that you'd written "last night I slept porky" and I couldn't figure out what that way. Had you slept with Porky Pig or merely slept with your belly sticking out from under the covers? It made me dizzy to consider it, though I did get slightly aroused. I've always felt if a lady has] any belly, she ought not to feel shy about sticking it out at me!!! Rruff!!

Ron Southern said...

Another misread: I thought you'd written "morality wrench" and I couldn't figure out that one, either. Sounds like a very tought moralist, though, doesn't it?

Cricket said...

Ron, you are cracking me up. Yes, there is enough pork to share!

brite69 said...

Wow. Reading about pork has made me crave ham. I wonder if I could get someone to go and obtain a ham for me. Hmm...

Have fun!