Today was busy. I played chaperon to four boys from the fourth grade field trip. J was told to pick the kids for me to chaperon. I could beat him about the head and shoulders for choosing Joseph, perhaps the most challenging kid of all the classrooms. Joseph reminded me of how grateful I should be for my calm, well-behaved kid. Joseph and I got along well, but he kept me on my toes to where I couldn't enjoy the museum or reinactor's talk as much as I would have wanted to. Joseph also interrupted, ran, hid, bled, elbowed me in the nose, kicked me in the head with his shoe, and generally was as annoying as a kid could be. I did not beat Joseph about the head and shoulders, either, but I could have the teacher, who left him to me as she enjoyed her lunch and various gab sessions with the other teachers. This further reinforces why I have cut back on volunteering.
We went to a famous battlefield. I'd walked around there several years ago with someone I won't mention and he was a tick magnet. I was like a hound on keeping those kids out of the tall grass today. In fact, I made J wear long pants in anticipation of it.
Here are others way to sort of describe the day.

Heh. I took my son and one of the kids in his pre-school class on a field trip once. They went to a pizza place to learn how to make it and they got to eat the final product. I didn't think anything of letting the kids listen to Chutes and Ladders by Korn cuzz it's a bunch of nursery rhymes. Seems the kid's parents didn't appreciate it (the boy has gone to a Christian private school for all his schooling) and I single handedly got a new rule listed on permission slips for my sinful choice. Now if you drive any of the kids, you can only listen to Christian channels, regardless of whether it be talk radio or the music variety.
Damn, I'm awesome.
Brite, you never cease to amaze me! You are my hero.
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