It was fun having the opportunity to do some good.

Including Syl.vie, they all crave the opportunity to go outside.

I have never taken the opportunity to partake of my own nectarine tree, but I will try to remember this year.

This opportunity with him was priceless. I wish I could bottle it.

I really appreciate him having this opportunity in school, although my property taxes which fund the school sure could pay for a lot of private lessons!
I really appreciated the pic of your cat wanting outside. I know lots of people successfully have indoor cats - I just don't know how to do it. My little Itty would YOWL at the door. It was truly insufferable. Now, of course, I am paying the price for that. I am wondering if it would be easier to adopt older cats that knew nothing but being inside all the time.
Good use of the word....
You have a lot of opportunities that you have mentioned.
The main thing is, Is he having fun? And if not, he's just a kid, what does he know? He might know how to just have fun, but not enough abot how to have Serious Fun. Know whut I mean?
I can't imagine your grief. Having the dogs go in and out would make it tough to keep a cat in. With all of mine being rescues, I can only assume they had outside time, except for B.eau, who was fostered as a kitten. He, however, is the worst one for wanting/sneaking outside, though. The rest really enjoy the windows.
Thanks, e-e. When I did the post on Thursday, it came up in Blogger as "scheduled" and I thought it was a new feature. Naw, it was still waiting for me when I got back.
Ron, thankfully, he really does like violin. He doesn't practice like I'd want, but he enjoys the class and the concerts. This summer will be a test with four weeks of it each morning.
Aww, love the photo of Syl.vie and of your son playing the violin. He looks very dedicated and serious! :)
great opportunity shots. Love 'em.
In WordPress you can post a blog way in advance. I post most of my stuff for the week on Monday and just let them roll out when scheduled. I can name the date and time I want it to go.
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