Sunday, May 14, 2006

It gets no better

Between innovative fighting vehicles, explosions, flack, a cactus, and, of course, moths, my day was complete.


Sandy said...

That's too cool. Hope you had a great Moth's day!

DD said...

Hmmm. If you wanted to analyze the picture, you would say he just figured squeezing in the E R would just ruin the spacing flow.

I absolutely love it. If J wanted to draw a picture for me, I would proudly display it next to my son's drawing of a rainbow.

Anonymous said...

That is priceless! WTG, J.

Cricket said...

I'm surprised it didn't say

Happy Moth
ers Day!


However, how could a picture like that need any words at all to communicate such a gentle and caring sentiment from a loving son to his mother? ha