Funny, J has chapped lips clear to his nose and I'd thought of skipping the picture for that reason, but opted not to. See, he missed school pictures this year due to his trip West with his dad in Oct, then was in PE when they called his grade for make ups. Oh, was I pissed when I later found out. School pictures are not an option for him, I told him. They are for his mother. And the yearbook. We we are both lacking.
So we went to Wally's for the "cheap" make up version. Ha! Instead of a $25 set at school, this was $125. In a whim, I got in a few, too. In my sweats. I figured if he was going to have a whole chapped mouth, then I could do it in sweats.
I made plans to see Lyd in Seattle at the end of February. Her best friend from HS, someone she hung out with a lot the last year or two as well, lives there. Moved up in August or so in true lesbian fashion - met a woman online and rented the UHaul within two months. Life on the edge.
Because Lyd and I have the same phone carrier and talking is free, we spend too much time on the phone. I think it's why I'm not blogging, or painting for that matter.
I'll do better and get it all together. I hope each of you are doing very well.
I don't think participating in life is sucky at all :-) But it is very nice to see you. You and J both look sweet there.
nice picture...the sweats don't matter at all...
and I'm with Laura...if I had a life to participate in you can bet I wouldn't be here.
Great photo! I'll put in my request early (geez, I need to drag Z in for some updated family photoz as well)
Happy holidaze!
I'm glad you got in too. You both look so cute.
Nice to hear from you.
Happy holidays!
Pictures are important no matter what you look like in them, but you two look great! I hope your holidays are joyous.
Rowf, rowf! You're sure looking good.
That's such a nice photo of the two of you! Congrats to him for getting the contraptions off for awhile!
Hey Cricket, I tagged you for the next Saturday Scavenger shot word if you're up for it! Just let me know.
Cricket, would you like to play Saturday Scavenger Hunt? Tara has tagged you to pick a word. Want to play? Pleeeeeaaassee?
Thanks people. And I'm trying to catch up on Bloglines, too.
Tara and Laura:
Shit, shit, shit.
I didn't see your request. Very sorry.
If I were to choose, today I choose frenzy.
Wow, what a nice photo. I haven't been here frequently - lots going on I see.
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