Imagine our delight when ex called about 15 minutes ago (yes, delight when ex called) to say that someone saw a sign I did for Boomer, my way of spelling it, or Boumer, J's way he refers to his dog in stories at school.
The man who found him lives one street over, but it's a very long block to get there. He was driving along, almost hit Boumer, then got out to talk to him and Boumer hopped right in his truck. Ironically, the guy does Sheltie rescue and was responsible for the other lost Sheltie sign we'd seen in the grocery store.
Boumer is coming home!

Boy, that's great! I'm glad the dog is coming home! Nothing better than a happy dog and kid story!
BTW, if you ever have someone put out 25 flyers with your cell phone on it, don't leave your fucking cell phone in the car.
We'd finished with the flyers about 3:30 and the guy began calling before 5:30, but ex didn't realize about his phone. I'd asked him to go outside to see if the flyers stood the evening rain and he happened to walk by his car with the ringing phone.
Anyway, the dog is home. Apparently, Boumer was dehydrated when the guy found him, but none worse for the wear. Ex thinks they brushed him, too. He fears that now Boumer'll think that squeezing through the gap in the fence gate (the landscapers had knocked a post on Thursday) is like a trip to the spa.
I'm lobbying for tags, but I know it's hard putting a collar on that beautiful mane.
That sign is a classic! Hell, if I saw it, I would go around calling Boumer's name to help that child find his dog.
So glad you got good news!
There is nothing better than a happy ending, especially when it involves a small boy and a dog.
Funny enough, ex called when I was in the grocery store putting up flyers. I mentioned the other lost dog sign for a Sheltie. He wondered if perhaps someone was stealing Shelties in the area. I thought to myself that I should call those people to see if they've found their dog or if anyone has called them about Boumer. I'd have been calling the very people who found him!
Ex just phoned to say that a woman called this morning. Around 10am Sunday morning, she and her daughter saw a man putting a dog in his truck and the dog looked unwilling.
It's the opposite on the willingness scale than what the guy said, but semantics, huh?
The daughter felt like it was so suspicious that they wrote down the tags on the truck. (They had someone from a car try to steal their wiener dog and a neighbor shooed them off, so this mom and daughter are sensitive to such.) They didn't feel like the guy in the truck looked like a rescue person. Lo, he was!
Amazing. The right person saw the flyers, but someone else looking out for Boumer also saw the flyers (in the grocery store), witnessed Boumer being rescued, and scribed the tag.
My faith in humanity is restored a little bit.
I am so glad that Boomer was found. If I would have seen that poster J made hanging up I would have searched high and low to help that little boy find his dog. Thanks for the tears first thing in the morning. ;) I love your kid!
Maybe J should make a poster for: Wanted: Gardeners who won't run every damn thing in the yard, including ruining the siding and causing our precious Boomer to get lost!
Oh I'm so relieved. I can notify the troops that Boum-Boum (oops I misspelled it earlier) is home...
P.S. Tags are still a necessary evil even w/a microchip -- you could get a slim little chain-link collar & it wouldn't even show! :-)
So glad he's home and J's flyer is just wonderful!
Ah, the landscapers.
Ex called to bless them out before the dog was found; I only learned of the fence thing after we'd put out the flyers. The guy, the owner of the landscaping company who has been very responsible in the past (they weed whacked something into ex's front glass door, shattering it, but the guy arranged its replacement pronto) and he said that he himself saw the damage (and didn't really fix it), but he got the chain link gate to close. Deal is, there was a gap.
Boumer is a Sheltie, misleadingly large through fluffiness. He's actually a very small dog, small for a Sheltie even.
The friend who stayed there Thursday and Friday, Nancy, noticed the fence, too. Instead of blocking the gap, she just put a brick in front of the fence so it wouldn't swing open. Ex said, "She pulled an Ann," referencing Nancy's mother, an absolute loon. Ann's good friends with ex's mother. Nancy's brother was best man at our wedding and I've talked about him here before. Nancy was a receptionist where I was a clinical and research biochemist for my first real job. I've known them all for 30 years and none of them have gotten any smarter.
Thanks so much for everybody's concern.
Val, you're my hero publicizing this among vets. I can't thank you enough.
Thank goodness he's home! He's gorgeous, by the way. :-)
What a gorgeous dog. I am glad that he his home safe and sound.
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