I stumbled upon the following book, one described as charming.......

and I must wonder how much your cat or dog or fish or bird or kid sees you naked.
Around here, it's a lot. I live clothing optional at home. Believe it or not, I compute naked, so I guess you all are often with me naked. For shame!
When I go into chat online, sometimes I have to put on a shirt for appearances, because of the cam.
One couple at the website, who I have met twice, has offered me the opportunity to attend their nudist colony on the weekends. There was a special BBQ last weekend they emailed about specifically. I turned them down because of J, but I don't know how I would have handled it without an excuse.
Back in my youth and relative slenderness, I spent a summer on Mallorca going topless on the beach. It was very liberating and natural; I became much more European about the body, something that has faded, I fear. I'm sure it would be the same naturalness at their nudist club, but it sure would take nerve arriving at that action.
What are your thoughts on nudity? Public nudity?
right now, at almost 7 months pregnant, I would LOVE to go to a nude beach or a colony because I feel I look great, in a few months I'll likely not feel the same way.
I say, why not? Why not?
I guess it is just like they said on Seinfeld...there is good naked and bad naked :-)
Uh... I've walked around my house once or twice all nude and what not, but I was COMPLETELY alone! (No, the cats don't count) I highly doubt anyone would like to see me walking around with ginormous stretch marks being the only decoration on my skin. Well, right now anyway. Back when I was all skinny and wore shorts public, I probably wouldn't think anyone would want to see me all nudified, but I know it wouldn't look ANYTHING like now, which would probably be the deciding factor. You know, if I had the ability to see myself in the future and all that.
Oh. And I glow in the dark and would probably blind anyone who happened to see me nudirific in any type of lighting. o_O
Next time I am in the south of France I'll totally go topless again. I might as well... I am NOT famous, and no one would know me.
Plus swimming topless just rocks!
Naked is good. I lived in Germany for a year and got over any lingering body scared-ness. And really, I think any body is interesting - noone is really UGLY. I really don't care if people see me naked.
There are some things that are definitely better left unseen.
There would have to be rules.
Go for it!
I used to model for art classes in college. The year I turned 40, I had a professor ask me if I would model for his drawing group. I was a little hesitant, but I did it and it was totally fine. I think the idea is always scarier than the actual experience.
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