Except for the first, all relate to stuff close to home. The first relates to me and my fight with a subway escalator about eight years ago. Except for oral surgery and childbirth, it was my first need for stitches. Local anesthetic bites big time. And, after those six stitches, a cracked kneecap, and the pointy teeth of that escalator stair, the atheist now has a permanent clove cross on her knee.
This is a new attraction at the local pool. We went there this week.
Here's a taste of local nightlife. J's strings camp ended Thursday and the concert was that night.
Meet the local beaver, or at least its dam.
We very much enjoy local history.
Visiting here is a great opportunity to support the local gardening society and it reaps us such benefits, too.
PS - Posted on Friday, as I'll be gone this weekend, but I'll correct its date when I get back. Damn that Blogger scheduling feature never working.
PPS - I throw it to Churlita for next week. Just to make her post a Saturday Hunt. muahahaha
you really spanned the definitions on this one...
The use of local anethstetic was my favorite..very good.
You might want to choose someone else, churlita is hitting the road for a vacation and mentioned she might not be around a computer too often.
I was hoping someone would use "local anesthetic". I couldn't think of any photos to take for that one. That must've been terribly painful...A cracked kneecap? I can't even tolerate a bruised one!
I have my post up now. Nice broad-based entry!
Great photos, and a great word this week!!
Okay, Greg. You're IT then!
Have at it...
nice photos! ha, I didn't even take it that way...
Very creative. You have lots of interesting local sights!
My "future-scheduling" has been entirely dependable, but I'm sorry to hear that it's one of those features that works better on some servers than others or better for some special souls than for others! Maybe you should pretend to be me?
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