It was a fun day at the museum. At the medieval helmet display, I wanted it to look like there was a helmet on my head. Kinda missed the mark, but funny anyway. And classy.
I saw two paintings that I loved, the first and the last. I believe the pictures weren't flash, so don't get upset about the images.
These folds are to die for. It's basically only two colors. Up close, they look like blobs, but within a few feet, voila!
The bread was absolutely unreal. I wonder why they didn't call artists witches, because they sure can weave some magic.
This guy was one of the first plein air artists and this dates back to around 1840. The Impressionists were a generation after that.
This was my very favorite. The drama in the sky is so ballsy and the light patch on the ground is, well, magical.
I love the shirt you're wearing in the first pic!
Thank you! I get so many compliments on that simple shirt. You must have good taste.
I love the paintings. Looks like it was a great day.
Cool. I wish we had a museum around here where I live. All we have is a popcorn museum... not very cultural if you ask me.
Beautiful. Our art museum had to be dismantled during the flood, but we do have a Pollock entitled, "Mural". And it is pretty amazing to stand in front of. I'm not sure where they're storing all the art until we get a new museum built.
That helmet exhibit must've been really interesting! I've always liked the knight gear they used to wear.
My boys would love to see and armor exhibit. I love the paintings.
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