Saturday Scavenger word: happy
Following is a case of overkill, admittedly. I am really good at faking happiness and here I am trying a little too hard, the overachiever in me showing. But doing this made me feel happier, so good for me.
These things make me happy...
painting rocks into houses

doing soft pastel still lifes

painting with soft pastels outdoors

that I didn't give away this painting to someone I thought was going to be my BIL

that the limb crashing down on my car didn't make me lose control during the storm and
that my son was not in his usual place in the far back seat when the glass shattered

seeing a volcano erupt

a good stogie

having my son and motherhood, as I wonder why I waited until I was 35 and limited my chances

volunteering, even when it made my son mournful to share me

Janie Betta, who would wag her tail in excitement whenever I came to visit

my babies loving each other

Spencie, who scratches where he should

Memphie, Super Vampire Cat

Boomer/Boumer, who slathers me with true puppy love

and this SeaWorld dolphin who makes me smile back.
I smiled at them all! What wonderful happiness.
Great piccies.
I can't believe that's a pastel, btw - those toys look like I could pick them up and give them a cuddle.
Very smile inducing pictures. That car one could have been scary, but I'm glad it wasn't!
Stogies? Thats unusual :-)
I love these pictures. I needed a smile today, so thanks :)
Definitely things to be happy about. I esp. like your rockin' houses!
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