My first thought for this concept was a fluffy little cat J has his heart set on; her name is Spirit:

Of course this theme would not be complete without spirits. These are a few, my favorites, which are in the house:
(although I do not prefer light, I prefer draft)
We also have a lot of team spirit around here:(and a bit of ham)
and have been known to have some holiday spirit, or at least to pretend:
Plus some Spirit of 76: With some pioneering spirit from my immigrant gr, gr, gr, gr grandfather:
And we had some eerie dead cat spirit here this year with an incident that defies my belief system: Can't resist on the Smells like Teen Spirit:
with the epitome of mean-spiritedness, my exBIL:
Changing gears, J doubled up Scouting Spirit and School Spirit:
Here's nearly my favorite kind of spirit, mineral spirits, in front of an oil I'm not ready to declare finished:
Ending in a spirit of hope:from time when his favorite movie was Spirited Away...
OMG! that Spirit of Hope shot takes my breath away. What a cutie!!! (and what a great photo!)
It was fun to see your take on the word.
May the spirit of the season bring you peace.
If I were to hand out awards for the most "spirited" use of the Saturday word, you would win hands down. You went above and beyond for this week, apparently you were filled with the spirit of the Saturday scavenger hunt.
did you get that port at Trader Joes...may seem like a strange question, but I used to live in Trader Joe country and I would buy that particular port. Now I live in the south where there is no Trader Joes where hard liquor is totally controlled and all you see if the same 50 or so bottles of liquor.
that port was mighty yummy.
I am so glad you commented on the port! That stuff is to die for and is so seasonal, too. I think I did buy this one at Trader Joes' although I have purchased it elsewhere, too. Cheers!
Benjamin Port is unbelievably awesome. I initially tried it because I am not original, and since my son's name IS Benjamin, it fit.
It fit gloriously.
And now I want some more. Sadly, it's only 10am here.
Those are amazing! You have spirit covered from every conceivable angle! Those shots are great fun to look at, thanks!
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