Monday, January 03, 2005

Feeling Down Under

[Beeeeep! Public Service Announcement: I am going to post some rough-ish creations from last week just to make up for missing so many days.]

Thieves in Austria Steal Entire ATM

"Investigators said they were trying to determine how many thieves it took to lift the ATM which authorities say weighed up to 500 pounds and load it into the back of a delivery truck."

What? Did they never see Barbershop?

I find that flicks are great for learning life lessons. I recommend it highly. Following are a few examples.

Death to Smoochy always makes me a little prouder about standing by my ideals while wanting to be a little less granola. Scrooged always helps me to un-Scrooge a bit. Pollock proves to me that I'm not that crazy or self-destructive of an artist. Frida reminds me of how simultaneously tortured, infertile, and brilliant a woman artist can be. Artemisia Gentileschi reminds me how seemingly destructive relationships and decisions have two sides. Raising Arizona demonstrates the lengths I would not go to in order to have a child. Mystic River and 21 Grams tragically dissect how fucking unfair life is. A Life Less Ordinary serves as a parable for the ridiculousness of organized religion. Pieces of April reminds us that people can change, that maturing happens when we pessimistically least expect it, but that pre-change self leaves gaping wounds on everyone around. Motorcycle Diaries displays that personal growth is a process whereby eyes are opened wider and wider, with dramatic things happening as a result. The Big Lebowski reminds me how much I prefer Black Russians to White Russians and to not get too attached to a rug.

And Barbershop shows how fucking stupid it is to steal an ATM.

PS- Happy New Year

1 comment:

Cricket said...

The Dude, I think you mean. His Dudeness, to most of us.