Thursday, January 20, 2005

A friend in need of Bushes

I am proudly currently #55 on this search:
naked indigenous american indian women showing cunts.

Good luck, Sir (I'm assuming), in your search. Looks like you were (bush) diving kind of deep getting down to my blog.

May I suggest Google, then click on the 'Image' link? (I am also assuming that you want a picture of and not just commentary on naked indigenous american indian women showing cunts.) At Google, you'll find this: nada. Sorry. Perhaps you should narrow (or would it be broaden?) your search, buddy.

For the record, this hit (additional Bushes) from my Project Inaugural Runway post is my second favorite hit of the day. It lead me to The First blog, surely to be a good read. I love reading about Bush Twins sightings, real or imagined. I don't think they're American Indians, although the old cliche 'wild as Indians' probably applies.

1 comment:

Julianna said...

Isn't it hilarious how people find you!!!

Too funny!

BTW!! Your FSH rocks!!!!!!!!!!! yipppeeeeeeee