July 19, 1988 - March 14, 2007
A Tribute in Many Parts
Originally posted July 19, 2005

To my Sad!e, who turns 17 years old today.
To my booger licking companion, who sneezes in my face regularly.
To my pair bond who must stay so close that she's earned the nickname BC Cat, for Birth Control Cat.
To my intimate friend, who grips her perch atop my chest, as my man puts me in the grips of an orgasm down below.
To my buddy who never strays more than a foot or two, except when that yummy new food is involved.
To my aged friend, who now takes two medicines and is on a prescription low protein diet, I love you with all my heart and my greatest desire is to do right by you, as you have done for me these 17 years.
Goodbye sweet Sadie, you were loved.
There is nothing harder, and nothing kinder, than to let an animal go with dignity. Go in peace, kitty.
My sympathies with you and J.
Sadie, you used your 9 lives wisely. Thanks for bringing a simple but sincere love into Cricket's life.
Cats (and dogs for that matter) leave paw prints on your heart.
May those paw prints live on in your heart and mind forever Cricket.
Be good to yourself and J.
I wish Sadie, J and you much peace and love.
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