B.eau, Spenc.er, and Syl.vie relax on the couch together. I am so delighted at having kitties touching that I must go get the camera.

Spenc.er surveys his domain.

Spenc.er cleans Be.au as Be.au reaches toward Sylv.ie.

It works. Sylvi.e cleans B.eau, too.

Be.au is in rapture as Spenc.er cleans himself.

Spen.cer acts as if he's finished while Sylv.ie is still hard at work.

Then, pounce! All this great foreplay makes Spenc.er amourous as Sylv.ie cries, "No means No!"
oh! that is so beautiful. my cats just tolerate one another and if they get closer than about a foot and a half there is a hissy fit. Someone slashes at the other. Never hurt one another though. But I've always wished they would sleep together and cuddle. It's just so sweet.
I love the piles of kitties!
Too funny. The look on poor Syl-vie's face.
I needed that smile today, Miss Cricket. Thank you for that. Seriously, thank you.
look at all those black kitties! soo cute. was it a purrfest?
These are so painfully adorable, thank you for posting these! At one point we had two cats in our household. Our older cat, Claudia, wasn't used to the younger cat, Skittles and would hiss and try to paw slap her. Then one day I turned around and she was grooming Skittles. Too cute.
I love that last picture. I'm thinking I may have to break out the camera to show you the kitty piles that happen over here.
Great shots of them.. my two cats seldom are in the same room together .. nevermind cleaning one another..
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