This time, instead of the smooth side of Canson paper, I used Belgian Mist Wallis, a sanded paper. I am much more accustomed to using sanded paper and Wallis is conisdered premium.
This is the enlarged version of the cats. The last was about 8.5x11 and this is about 11x14, much easier to use fat pastels on.
This is more the red-orange backgound she wanted. With it being mottled, I think it'll blend more. I cut off the bottom b/c of my signature, but it is a deeper brown version of these reds.
I think it is funny that the rear one has dark whiskers while the front has light.
I captured them both being crosseyed pretty effectively, although I'm not completely happy with their eyes. These guys coloring was pretty difficult; I believe I captured that well. I'm not sure about their expressions. Sad!e's portrait looks more friendly.
I doubt I'll change it any. Plan to give it to her Tuesday at my next visit.

For your art lesson, Ron, I wanted to mention that with pastels, acrylics, and oils, one works dark to light. It is considered easier to get a light to cover a dark than vv. With watercolor, you work light to dark, because you have to carefully preserve the white paper as your highlights.
I like how the background seems a bit more toned down. Very nice job!
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